Health Articles

There are typically only a few symptoms related to a fracture. If you or your athlete has…

Sports burnout is a response to chronic stress after the continued demands of playing a sport or…

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It helps you walk, run, and jump. But…

A hammertoe is a deformity of the second, third, or fourth toe. This condition causes a bend in…

Using a walking aid, such as crutches, is an important part of your recovery because it allows…

Maintaining a healthy weight and activity level keeps your muscles strong and can delay joint…

The knee is a common place for osteoarthritis or the loss of cartilage in the joint. One option…

Bone, joint, and muscle specialists devote their practices to helping patients who experience…

"Many minor and serious hand, wrist, shoulder and elbow injuries are associated with do-it-…

Sciatica is the result of a protruding or herniated disc in your spine. The out-of-place disc…